Sharon Gensler, NOFA/Mass Outreach Program Coordinator
We're all eager for spring, and March and April are full of events around the state that we hope to attend with our NOFA informational table.
Check out these dates (check the website for updates and rewards) and either volunteer to be our staffer or attend and stop by the table and talk with whomever is our representative. It’s lots of fun and a great way to be a part of NOFA/Mass.
Contact Sharon at
Upcoming Events
March 15: Local Environmental Action, Northeastern U
March 21: Mass Land Conservation Conference, Worcester
March 21: Master Gardener Symposium, South Deerfield
March 28: Mass Urban Farming Conference, Worcester
March 28-29: Just Food? Forum on Justice in the Food System, Harvard Law School
March 28: Master Gardener Symposium; Holyoke
March 31: Mass Ag Day at the State House
April 11: Master Gardener Symposium, Lenox
April 16: MAPHN (Public Health Nurses) Conference, Brewster
April 16: Pursuit of Sustainable Living Conference; Devens
April 18: Franklin Co. Home & Garden Show; Greenfield
April 24: Earth Day at the Franklin Park Zoo
April 25: Musketquid Earth Day; Concord